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There are some things so good you could not make it up...

As many of you recall, in September I made the decision to step down from full time ministry. This was a big decision for me, because I have not known anything but full time ministry or preparation for full time ministry for over 20 years. Granted, the decision came with a lot of questions in my mind, but I did not let anyone know what those were, except for my wife. When the decision was made and I officially stepped back it lifted a weight off my shoulders, but I still wondered what I was going to do. I am too young to do nothing, but I don't have the stamina to do much since my stroke. 

As many of you who have been following my blog for some time recall, I have been working on my second Master's degree, the MDiv. But, I was thinking that I would not be done for at least another semester, or maybe 2. Well, on September 1 I stepped back from full time ministry, and on September 11 I got an email telling me that my degree was conferred. So, I was officially a Seminary graduate for the 2nd time. I got the degree in the mail on October 3; on October 4 my wife saw an ad for a PRN Chaplain for Hospice of Central Iowa. I sent in my resume and applied; a few weeks later I was informed that I got the job. It is only 5 - 10 hours/week and it allows me to do what I love doing; visiting hurting people, while still allowing me to pastor New Covenant church part time. Joe Strode is doing a fantastic job working full time as the Family Life pastor. It just seems that God divinely put things together in a way that I just don't think anyone could make up.

Sometimes it seems that life is really bad under our circumstances. I will always Charles Shafer at Trinity Baptist College in Jacksonville, Florida telling our class: when you find yourself under bad circumstances, ask yourself what you're doing under there. God has called you to live for Him, regardless of your circumstance. Regardless of what happens in your life, remember, God is good all the time.


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