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Showing posts from August, 2009

I got the results of my scans...

Before I begin, I think it is important to remind people that sometimes even the Dr. make mistakes. When I went for my MRA yesterday, they were going to do 2 tests: one MRI on my head, and an MRA on the vessels in my head. Dr. Davis had ordered an MRA of the vessels in my chest, too, to make sure the artery in my chest is not making its own bypass. Well, when I told them about the MRA of my chest, they said they would have to call because they did not have paperwork on it. Sure enough, they were supposed to be doing a chest MRA, so they wound up doing 3 tests instead of 2. And the results are..................I am doing very well. Dr. Benjamin said my MRI looked GREAT; no changes, which is good. My MRA's show that the artery in my chest is NOT forming its own bypass, meaning that the artery is totally occluded - that is, if a blood clot goes to my brain again, it won't be through that artery. Really, I don't know that I could have had better test results. The strokes are st...

A new school year...

It has been awhile since I have posted. I guess that means life is good. Well, life is good, but I guess the fact that I have not posted means that there have been no major incidents in that time. We had a good remainder of the summer. I went to a family reunion in Sioux City on August 1, and that was a really good time. Many of my family either called me or came to visit me in the hospital. It was good to see them again. Many of them I had not seen in 10 or more years. Also in August our church did a fundraising booth at the Knoxville Nationals. I was a little worried about that because I was not sure I would have the stamina for that, but I did quite well. Nothing significant to report. The fundraiser was for our building fund...we are currently raising money to re-side the church and to re-roof the church. We will also be replacing windows and then I would like to make some modifications to the inside of the church, as well. I have been able to help, somewhat, but I have been reall...