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Showing posts from June, 2011

Okay...I am going to vent a little...

Before I begin, let me say that compared to the alternative, I would choose this life; however, I must be honest enough to say how much I hate my "new" existence. 8 out of 10 days, it seems that I have no noticeable problems. But, the 1 or 2 days when I do have problems: look out! The last couple days, for example, I have been ready for bed by 5:30. My wife does not get home from work until we have had exactly :30 of good time. After that I am not worth anything: I am tired, I am spacey, I am weak; to make it short, I feel sorry for Laura. I know that she just wants to spend time as a family, but I get tired so easily anymore. I know that I can do some things to prevent this feeling: I can just rest more during the day. Well, that is easier said than done. This morning, for example, I woke up at 4:00 and then could not get back to sleep. So, I just stayed up. When it came time to sleep, I just could not force myself to sleep. I wound up not getting to sleep until 4:oo

An interesting development...

I told my wife that I am not sure if this is something I should be worried about or not; I have periodic numbness in my left heel. It does not last for more than a few seconds, but it was occurring about every 2 weeks or so, but now it appears to happen more frequently (perhaps 2 or 3 times each day). The numbness does not last a long time, and it does not extend outside of the heel on my left foot, so I am not sure if it is progressive weakening of the nerves, or if it is totally unrelated to my stroke. Because of my history, the nurse at the VA told me to go to the ER to have it checked out if it really starts to bother me. Right now, it is just a nuisance, really, and it does not bother me much. I guess I will just have to see what happens.

Paypal button...

If you are interested in buying a copy of "Living the Life of a Miracle", there is now a paypal checkout button on my blog, Copies may also be ordered at your local bookstore, through or Thanks.

My book is available...

I am excited to announce that my books are now available at You cna find them at: I am very excited about it; I am finally done with this chapter of my life and now I am wondering about some other things. For the time being, I think I will just be content with this! Praise the Lord, it is DONE!