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Showing posts from March, 2012

Some things continue to surprise me...

There are times when I seriously get humbled by how God uses things. In the last month I have been overwhelmed at the way in which God spreads his word. Just a few weeks before my dad passed away he got a call from someone in Indiana wondering if he was the "Pastor Mead" who had a stroke. He told her that it was his son; but, he was able to share the whole story with her and suggest she get my book. Later I was in Dairy Queen and ran into a man from Johnston, Iowa whose mother-in-law recently had a stroke. He was searching for some encouragement so I was able to share my story with him and suggest my book to him. I got an e-mail this week from him thanking me for my testimony and my willingness to share God's goodness with him. This morning I got a message on facebook from a lady whose father recently had a stroke; she was able to look at my information and read my book and was encouraged by my story. I am so thankful that God has allowed the events of my life to be a ble...