I'll be honest (side note, why do pastor's always feel compelled to start a personal story with "I'll be honest", how often are we not? Anyway, I digress), I have not made a habit of taking my blood pressure as often as I should, but I started again, recently, and to my horror my blood pressure was pretty consistently 150-160/80-90 at night. Normally it is pretty good in the morning, because I take my blood pressure medicine in the moring. I messaged my doctor and he reminded me that my blood pressure will fluctuate during the day, depending on activity, stress level, time of day, how tired I am, etc. I understand all that, but I get worried because the one thing Dr. Piper stressed above all else is make sure my blood pressue is under control, because I only have one vetebral artery left and I don't want that one to blow! I don't think I need to be on different blood pressue medicine, as these seem to work, in general. My question is, for those who have ha...
An ongoing record of the experiences that I have as a result of a major cerebellar/brain stem stroke suffered on December 8, 2008.