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Wow...I did not realize it has been so long...

I just looked today and was amazed that it has been over a year since I posted anything. On the surface that would indicate that everything has been great; but, the reality is that I have just been insanely busy. I know I mentioned that my dad passed away earlier last year (February 27, 2012), but after that things just got worse. My brother had triple bypass surgery in April, my mom was hospitalized in May with shingles, my Aunt Anne passed away in June, my Uncle John passed away in early September, my Uncle Jerry passed away in late October and then my mom passed away December 23! Needless to day, 2012 SUCKED. For 2013 my brother, Dave, really hit it on the head. He said that it would not be possible for 2013 to suck as bad as 2012. So far he is right. Thanks, Dave.

I am getting ready to re-publish my book through Tate publishing. The first time I published Living the Life of a Miracle I used a local, self-publisher The Write Place. They were wonderful to work with but they did not have a publicist and any publicity for my book would be left up to me. I am not a publicist by trade, ergo the book did not receive any publicity. Tate publishing, on the other hand, has publicity agents and they are going to do much more marketing for me. The book goes into the publication process in December.


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