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A recent article I received about stroke awareness

I had received this article some time ago and wanted to post it on my blog.

Maximizing Recovery Following a Stroke

--Philip J Reed, on behalf of Valley Hospital Medical Center

When it comes to having a stroke it’s a pretty well known fact that prevention is the absolute best medicine. However, if you have already suffered one, there are many options available to you to help regain function and vastly improve your quality of life.

Because of the many different types of stroke rehabilitation being offered, your chances of finding something that works for you are excellent.

Proper rehabilitation immediately after suffering a stroke is the key to getting the best benefits from your efforts.

Practitioners at your primary stroke center will function as a group to create an effective plan of action to radically increase your chances of a return to your life inasmuch as is possible.

Physical therapy- This is a very important part of recovery after a stroke as victims often lose limb function or body awareness. Physical therapy and repeated exercise can often re-train the brain to access those commands and abilities which can greatly help stroke victims regain lost independence.

Speech therapy- It’s very easy to take the ability to communicate for granted, particularly if you’ve never had it taken from you or had it impaired in any way. Stroke victims very often lose the ability to communicate, whether it’s the inability to formulate words or to connect the proper word with whichever ones were intended to be spoken. This can be an unbelievably frustrating issue which can lead to other problems, including depression, frustration and anger. Intensive speech therapy can help patients to partially or even fully regain the ability to communicate which can help facilitate further progress.

Occupational Therapy- This therapy is multi faceted and helps in regaining the details of daily life including decision making, practical life skills and an understanding of your physical world.

The family factor- With all attention on the mental, physical, and medical health and well being of the stroke victim, it’s very easy to forget about the patient’s support system- the family and loved ones. The more knowledge that they have about what a stroke victim is dealing with and going through, the better they can support them. Being actively involved in rehabilitation with professionals at the patient’s primary stroke center and educating themselves can only serve to increase the manner in which they can actively participate and help their loved one.

Anyone who says that the road back from a stroke is easy is lying. However, with a lot of hard work and a great rehabilitation team, there is light at the end of the tunnel. There is an improved quality of life that is waiting.


  1. Good article and so true.

    My health care team has made all the difference in how well I am recovering.

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