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Okay...I am going to vent a little...

Before I begin, let me say that compared to the alternative, I would choose this life; however, I must be honest enough to say how much I hate my "new" existence. 8 out of 10 days, it seems that I have no noticeable problems. But, the 1 or 2 days when I do have problems: look out! The last couple days, for example, I have been ready for bed by 5:30. My wife does not get home from work until we have had exactly :30 of good time. After that I am not worth anything: I am tired, I am spacey, I am weak; to make it short, I feel sorry for Laura. I know that she just wants to spend time as a family, but I get tired so easily anymore. I know that I can do some things to prevent this feeling: I can just rest more during the day. Well, that is easier said than done. This morning, for example, I woke up at 4:00 and then could not get back to sleep. So, I just stayed up. When it came time to sleep, I just could not force myself to sleep. I wound up not getting to sleep until 4:oo p.m...and now here it is, 7:30, and I am ready for bed again! Please understand, I am extremely thankful for life and I really believe that I am better than I deserve; but, sometimes you just need to vent. Thanks for letting me vent a little!


  1. From a fellow stroke survivor. It is good to vent sometimes share your problem with others that have the same problems, otherwise how are you going get help! Any way I had the same problem of always being tired and not being able to spend time with my new baby & other children. Tried everything on the market to give more energy, stamina and stop the depression. I am now happy to say that I found the right stuff to help, called E3live. Because I am from South Africa they won’t sell & ship the frozen E3live but I use the E3-AFA, Renew Me and the Enzymes and I don’t sleep at all during the day. Sometimes I go sleep at 10,11 or 12 at night :)and have plenty energy! I drink clean live water and eat healthy and exercise. I hope that my comments find you well and that you can also have more of a normal life!


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