I have found some interesting pictures...I have a copy of the scans from after my surgery. The first picture will be of a healthy cerebellum; the second will be a picture of my cerebellum. The areas that are white show areas that have been removed. The third picture will be of a healthy brain stem; the fourth will be my brain stem. The larger and smaller white spots are areas that show the stroke in the stem. As I have said before, the neuro-surgeon told my family that, normally, when the brain swells to the point that the brain stem is compressed resulting in ONE brain stem stroke, you normally do not recover; however, when there are TWO strokes, and the bigger one is quite large, there was no hope given for any significant recovery.
hope you're doing great and good recovery after this surgery...
ReplyDeleteI did not believe it, at first ...
ReplyDeleteYou have an amazing story here...and I stumbled upon your blog by clicking "next blog" at the top of my own blog this morning. When I saw the scan of the brain, I stopped to read. My husband was an associate pastor of a church in Florida when he began having seizures. After 5 long years and all our $ exhausted, we found a surgeon who could help him. So you can see how I was intrigued to read more of your posts! God bless...and I know He already has!
ReplyDeleteDeb...it is interesting how the Lord works. I will be praying for you and your husband. Did they ever find out exactly what was causing the seizures?