There are certain things that you just get used to as time goes by. Problems become minimal in your own sight but are very evident when someone else notices them. Case in point: the other day I was entering my username and password on some sight; as I typed them, I had to go back to correct faulty letter several time. I would guess that it took me at least 3 attempts to get the words correct. The truth is that it occurs quite frequently, but I just ignore it. (FYI, before my stroke I could type over 40 wpm with no mistakes). Anyway, as I was entering in the information, my daughter was watching and she said, "Sheesh, type much?" In other words, I made enough mistakes that it was noticeable to others. What happened is that it drew my attention to the situation and I bothered me anew. Perhaps it shouldn't, but it does. After my stroke, it was really bad, but it has gotten better, but apparently it is not normal, yet.
For the last few weeks I have been experiencing some pretty terrible headaches; not the kind that you can relieve by rubbing your temples or taking Tylenol, but headaches that radiate from the back of my head. It seems as though I have tried several things to relieve them: taking naps, lying down on heating pads, taking Tylenol, turning the lights of, etc. but nothing seems to help. Now, I don't have them all the time, only a few days a week and I can tell that they are more from muscle tightness than anything else. I have been instructed to go the ER if they flare up again, because of my past history of headaches before my stroke, but most likely it is due to the muscles that were cut in the back of my head for the Craniotomy. I would say that most days I do not struggle with headaches at all; but, the days I do have headaches they are a doozy. I don't have blurred vision with them or sensitivity to light or sound; it just hurts. As I look back over the past 3+ years I realize...
i have the same situations that go on typing is a minor 1 people don't watch me. tg lol but walking and talking is evident to them i was an athlete and a talker soooo i can't throw a baseball like i did or hike things that came natural for me . i ask my self why god did this to me . the only thing that comes to mind is he has bigger things in store for me jim http;//
ReplyDeleteI also had a stroke and gradually I am picking up speed again!!!