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A new school year...

It has been awhile since I have posted. I guess that means life is good. Well, life is good, but I guess the fact that I have not posted means that there have been no major incidents in that time. We had a good remainder of the summer. I went to a family reunion in Sioux City on August 1, and that was a really good time. Many of my family either called me or came to visit me in the hospital. It was good to see them again. Many of them I had not seen in 10 or more years.

Also in August our church did a fundraising booth at the Knoxville Nationals. I was a little worried about that because I was not sure I would have the stamina for that, but I did quite well. Nothing significant to report. The fundraiser was for our building fund...we are currently raising money to re-side the church and to re-roof the church. We will also be replacing windows and then I would like to make some modifications to the inside of the church, as well. I have been able to help, somewhat, but I have been really careful not to do too much...I have been yelled at too many times. (I know, I is only because they care about me; I am only being facetious.)

Yesterday we started a new school year. My oldest is a Senior in High School, which does not seem possible. My oldest daughter started middle school, another significant event for which I was not ready, and my youngest started 3rd grade. At least one of my kids is young enough to still enjoy being called a "little" kid (although she will often remind me that 3rd graders go to recess with the "big kids" now.)

And last, but not least, I have another test today. I have an MRA, to test whether or not the artery that was occluded is forming a natural bypass. If it is, then they want to stop it. I will have a follow-up with Dr. Benjamin in September. I have been noticing that I get tired faster these days. I don't know if it is the result of just getting used to a new schedule, or something inside my brain changing. Either way, I will not worry about it (SURE) until I see Dr. Benjamin.

Overall, I feel great and am looking forward to another GREAT year.


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