I had a genuinely good visit with everyone. Skip had some insights that I had not thought of before. We spent the first 30- 45 minutes talking about how God had to have everything right for us to come to Knoxville before my stroke. We talked about how this church, a year before I came, sold the old parsonage and bought a new one. The thing is, the old parsonage had everything important to a stroke victim on the 2nd floor. The new one has everything on the main level. IF they had kept the old house, I could not have lived there as soon as I am living in my current house. IF we had stayed in Stratford, I would have ended up in Knoxville anyway, because Knoxville is the only hospital in a 4 state region with Rehab facilities. So, it was a good thing I lived in Knoxville instead of Stratford. Also, the Dr who assessed me, Dr. Benjamin, was not supposed to be in my room. She was only in my room because someone told her that I was not doing very well, and she "happened" to be outside my room. I had a CT scan scheduled for 3:15 at Mercy, but Dr. Benjamin said I would not survive that long...so she bumped everyone else to get me a CT scan at the Des Moines VA. Dr. Piper usually does not take VA patients, but he took me. EVERYTHING had to line up PERFECTLY for m in order for me to be here. Now, some may say it was merely chance, and that is their right. But, that is a big chance and a lot of it. It would take more faith for me to believe that it was chance than to believe that God had something to do with it.
We also talked about the various churches represented and the pastors there. Skip, our transition direcor, opened it up to any questions as we transition. After that we broke for lunch. We went to Godfather's. Overall, it was a busy but a good day.
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