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I hav another CT scan today...

I will be in Des Moines VA for the first time since I was released in December. What is even bigger, sorta, is that this will be my 6th or so CT scan, but this will be the first one I remember. My wife tells me that I had a bunch of CT scans and an MRI or so and I don't remember any of them.

My wife and my associate, Ethan, have been telling me a lot that I did while I was in the hospital that I have no memory for. I guess while I was in the hospital I carried on conversations with people...and I don't remember it!! I was telling people my passwords for Liberty, my e-mail, my student number...everything...the only problem is, I don't have any memory of any of it. One person remembers me having a whole discussion with her over my wife's cell number and her husband's name, but when I am asked about it, I cannot recall any of it.

I do have slight memories in CCU. I remember some people being there. I cannot tell you anything that they said, I just remember the fact that they were there. What's interesting (I have been yelled at for saying it is funny, so I have taken to saying it is interesting) is that two people I do NOT remember being in CCU are my wife and my mom. I know they were there, but I cannot recall it. My wife was there almost constantly, but I cannot remember it. I remember (it is interesting how your mind works) switching the satellite to K-Love and saying it was K-Love, but I don't remember anything else. I do remember thinking I was various places: I thought I was outside because my dad always wore his coat and I thought "Why am I outside?" I also thought I was on a cruise ship and everyone else was eating but no one would bring me anything to eat, they would only come every now and then to check on me (my wife wants me to get my money back for that cruise, because it was a horrible cruise).

I can also remember slightly the pictures in my room. I seem to remember that there was a picture my youngest drew for me; then there were pictures of my kids individually; then there was a picture of all my kids together; then there was a Christmas tree that the band kids made for me and Brendan brought for me.

Maybe someday I will talk my wife into logging what she went through here, until then, you will be subjected to my ramblings about a thing of which I have almost no recollection.


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