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I had a good day today...

There are two issues to deal with. First, it felt good being back in the pulpit today. It was really natural. It snowed like crazy today, but we still had 180+ in church. We had several visitors today that I hope will become regulars. They visited from within the community, so I hope they will be back. 

Second, I thought I did very good. I may have rambled a bit, and relied a little bit too much on David and his relationship to his son, but that had more to do with how I prepared the message than my delivery. I thought my delivery was as good as could be expected 6 1/2 weeks after a stroke. (Actually, being upright is really good when you take into account the type of stroke I had). But I had many people comment that they could not tell (keep in mind that they knew) I had a stroke. 

I received a standing ovation when I returned to the pulpit. I have to confess, I have preached nearly 600 messages in 15+ years, and this is the first time I felt nervous. I was not nervous like my knees knocked again, but I was nervous thinking would I fall; would I remember my message; would I remember any passages; I was nervous thinking how I would do overall.


  1. Baby steps:) One day at a will get there!

  2. Good morning Pastor Jim~
    BRAVO! BRAVO! You did it!
    We were uplifting you in prayer all day long and we know that God blessed those who were in attendence to hear you deliver your message yesterday. What a testimony you were to those 180+ to God's Miracle Working POWER in everyday lives!
    Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I predict that might be just a tad bit too critical of yourself these first few times around. Remember, no one expects you to be the same... in fact, you are different, because God did something "different" with your life than He does with most of the other stroke survivors.
    Truth be told... you always WERE a "little different" *hehe* and I'm convinced that THAT'S WHY we get along so well!
    Do you remember the IV bottle filled with coins that we gave you for your high school graduation?? I don't know why, but the image of that IV bottle just keeps popping into my head whenever I think of all you've been through. I guess because it kind of represents the words in Matthew 6:20:
    “But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.”

    You have been carried through a major storm and you have emerged a "different" man of God. You have been touched by the hand of God and you have been blessed by His wonder working power!

    In turn, God has chosen YOU to continue on.
    Preaching... Teaching... Blessing... Loving... Giving... Ministering to so many.

    You are LOVED!


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