I feel good. My wife is sick to death of me saying that, but it is true. I really feel good. But, I am not back to normal. I tried to jump the other day, which was the first of my fiasco's. When I jump, I feel weird. I don't know how to explain it, but I feel weird. I tried jumping the other day and Laura said I look strange when I do. When I come off the ground, I think that the rest of my body tries to compensate. When I lose contact with the ground, the rest of my body does not have any sensory input as a guideline. When I am in the air, my legs and everything feels strange. I know that I have said this before, but my Dr. said that I need 5 sensory inputs to give me good balance. I need a good cerebellum, good joints, good eyes, good ears, and a good inner ear. Since I don't have a good cerebellum anymore, my eyes, ears, inner ear and joints try to take over. When I am in the air, they don't have any sensory input to adjust upon. I know it sounds weird, but trust me, it feels worse.
The other thing I tried to do was play basketball in my office. I have a little basketball and hoop in my office. I tried to play before I got started the other day (with my left hand of course). It felt strange, too. I can't explain it, but it feels weird. I don't have any coordination. I know this is politically incorrect, but I looked like a girl! I will try it again tonight at AWANA. I will try throwing a football and get back to you later.
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